hi. i'm trying to get my MoCA adapter to work with the technicolor cgm4140com router/modem combo provided by xfinity. i only have one MoCA adapter since i figured that would be enough since the technicolor cgm4140com is supposed to support a MoCA connection. I turned the MoCA connection on for the MoCA gateway technicolor settings, as seen here: https://prnt.sc/26mjkam
however, i still can't get a connection between the MoCA adapter i got and the router which is supposed to be MoCA compatible and with the MoCA setting enabled for it. the adapter i bought is the "MA2500C". is there something i'm doing wrong? thanks for any help/advice, i would really like to get this working as my internet connection is pretty poor without it. i also have a netgear wifi extender/adapter thing, (really not really sure what it is), and i'm not sure if that could cause issues with me being able to set up MoCA. any advice is appreciated.
Let's do a quick check first. to make sure cgm4140com and tg3482g can work with our product.
Please enable MoCA in the cable modem/router. Then connect MoCA adapter to them directly with a short coaxial cable. Power up the MoCA adapter, wait for one and a half minutes, check the MoCA light status. If the MoCA light is Green/On, that means they can work together. We need to check the caoxial cables and splitters.
If the MoCA light is still Off, That means they can't work together. We just know the two modem/router used MoCA 2.0 chip. But we don't have detailed infomation about the MoCA chip. We know some old MoCA 1.0/1.1/2.0 chips may have compliance issues with the latest MoCA 2.5 devices. You may need to buy another MoCA 2.5 adpater, and connect it to the router via Ethernet cable. Then forward the Internet service to coaxial netowrk.
I am having the same problem with the tg3482g xfinity modem and my MA2500c. Hoping someone responds and can help both of us