I just installed the MOCA device, it ran for a while and then the MOCA lights dropped out and I lost the network connection completely. I was able to get them to restart by disconnecting and then reconnecting. My question is, when I look at the MOCA lights they are flashing, is that an indication the connection is unstable or is that normal for them to flash? I did the test of tying the two together and they linked ok.
Thank you!
Hello Dennis, it looks like you are mixing and matching unbonded/bonded MoCA 2.0 and MoCA 2.5 devices.
Can you identify what's device 0? Is that a Fios-G1100 or WCB6200Q? Or something else?
One way to solve this problem is go to MoCA settings on both goCoax 2.5's and adjust the In-Scan list to D-Low band only. This would somehow resolve the problem, I believe.